With me will be a cooler of diet Coke, an iPod loaded with newly downloaded and otherwise-acquired deliciousness (thank you, TJ), and innumerable fond memories of Iowa City and everyone I associate with it. I will also have a borrowed cell phone. Call me so I can get distracted while driving and have an emergency so as to justify needing the phone in the first place. All I'm missing is a pet monkey sidekick to join me in hijinks and misadventures along the way.
I will be joined September 1 by Grendel, The Real Grendel, and the lesser-known Luka in our temporary Cape Cod home. You are all encouraged to visit soon and often.
I will miss this place.
Peace out.
Good luck -- and I will go over to the Catholic Church and see if I can get some Masses said asking God to send you a monkey. Hopefully one that could split the driving.
Be safe.
Godspeed, traca. Godspeed.
Be careful when you tell the monkey to make a right turn.
Oh, wait, wrong monkey.
Safe travels to you and Grendel.
El Gordo, while you're at it, I could use a helper monkey, so make it two.
I woke my sister as I drove my big, loud truck onto her driveway two hours ago. She came out to greet me and, right then, her water broke. Ah, the power of a diesel engine! So although I still do not have a monkey, tomorrow—please God—I will have a nephew. I will call him Bear.
Glad you made it safely, Traca. Your arrival story is hilarious. You can add Labor Inducer to your long list of accomplishments. Hope all's well with your sister and Bear.
Talk about timing! I tried to post a comment yesterday about the monkey and Gillymonster's bicycle in the tomatoes(?), but it didn't take, and now this news of your sister is even more exciting! Did you rush her to the hospital in the truck? Please send pictures--Mini-T sends her love.
No way! A monkey rode Gilly's bike into the tomatoes?!
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