
Writers' Workshop Lecture Series

A cool idea from Sam Chang:
I just wanted to say hello, and to let you know about a new tradition, the Writers' Workshop Lecture Series. These monthly faculty lectures will be open to the public, and I'm especially hoping that those Workshop alums living in/near Iowa City will feel free to attend. It would be nice to see all of you. Would it be possible for you to let people know via Earth Goat? Faculty poet Dean Young is giving the first lecture in the series on February 17, 4 p.m., at Shambaugh House. His topic is "Surrealism."
Doin' that. Love this lecture idea in general.


Michelle Falkoff said...

i love it too. what a great way to start making changes--community involvement, access to faculty. nothing too scary for anyone--just good.

SER said...

Awesome idea!

TJ said...

Very cool. As someone who came from a program that seemed to be more involved with the community, one of my few criticisms of Iowa (valid or invalid, depending on your p.o.v.) has just been crossed off the list.

TJ said...

I feel like I need to clarify because I'm paranoid that my last comment is a toe-stepper.

A workshop's primary role is not to connect with the local community, I recognize this, but I think a secondary kind of instruction can be to expose writers to readers. And the easiest way to do this is to make use of the community around them through public readings and lectures. We go to workshops for feedback and we can get so much more immediate response to what's working and not working.

Plus, if ever there was a community tailor-made to fill seats at regularly scheduled readings, it's Iowa City. So, again I applaud Sam Chang's intentions.

Antoine said...

What about mp3s for non IC dwellers? Wouldn't that be fun? I used to check out cassette tapes from Connie/Deb/Jan all the time. Wouldn't it be cool to, um, er, podcast such things?

Grendel said...

I'll ask about it. I may be able to do it, with permission.

PJKM said...

How about "Live from Shambaugh House" with ...
er, maybe not.

the plunge said...

It wouldn't make sense not to podcast this stuff. Might be worth investigating whether UI is going to be an iTunes U campus or not. If they're not, someone should make them. But obviously, the IWW can do it regardless.

It would be a great way to generate good publicity for the Workshop (can't have too much), and for the lecturers -- in this age of multitudinous writing programs.