
More Love for Murakami

I don't understand. I feel, at this point, like the guy arguing Angelina Jolie isn't hot while his friends stand around stupefied and embarrassed and maybe a little suspicious.


Unknown said...

There are others that are not on the Murakami bandwagon.Victor Lavalle on a segment of NPR's you must read this in which he was championing Kenaburo said the following...
"I feel so lucky to have encountered Oe's brilliant work because it saved me from mistaking the vapid absurdity of his chief rival in Japanese fiction, Haruki Murakami, for writing that risked real depth."
I enjoy Murakami so I disagree with the vapidity absurdity claim despite how nicely it rolls off the tongue and I wonder what exactly they are rivals for? Is there room for only one of them?

Link to the NPR piece

Grendel said...

I'm sorry, but I honestly don't think Angelina Jolie is hot. She's weird-looking! Okay, maybe so am I, but there it is. And Murakami, though I enjoy some aspects of his writing, has yet to hit the bull's-eye.