
Goats for Obama

So chad and I braved the rally downtown last night. There were probably 100K digital cameras going, everyone trying to capture something of the spirit of the night. Impossible, really. They're saying 250K people, but it felt so much larger than that. When the newscasts called the election for Obama, the roar that rose from Grant Park must have rolled across the empty darkness of Lake Michigan and woken up people on the far shore. Astonishing. So much good will. So many good people. So much joy and hope. And for this flood to march afterward into the giant boulevards of Chicago was incredible. It was a perfect and beautiful night in a lot of ways.

Here are a few photos I took. (I have no idea who those goat people are but that's cool, eh?)


cfp said...

God, I miss Chicago.

Grendel said...

Good lord, goats for Obama. And you got photos. God bless Chicaogo.