I hope you are enjoying your holidays!
Wow, what a difference a year makes! We moved into our cozy new home last February, and we still haven't managed to completely unpack! I never really realized how much stuff we'd accumulated until I tried to get things together and downsize into our new cozy home (please send money instead of gifts this year-- hah hah!)! We've been busy meeting the new neighbors in Ocean View Estates, and some of them are quite the character. Although I was a little hesitant when Ted told me he wanted to sell our old house, I'm loving the fact that I have so much less to clean (which means more time for Manhattans, chocolate, and "Oprah" -- hah hah!). Because of the move, we let Carlos and Svetlana go, but I wanted to get "my hands dirty" again, as they say. I'm even cooking dinner now (don't laugh, Nancy, there's only been one small fire -- hah hah)!
As many of you know, Ted's firm took something of a hit this year. Terry Dodge and Larry Butterworth took it upon themselves to make a deal with the authorities, so we're still up in the air about what the future of Redlefsen, Redlefsen, Dodge, and Butterworth will look like, but I'm sure it will turn out better than any of us could have hoped for. I'm sure the blame will end up where it belongs, whatever those two may be up to (as you may remember, I never liked those two -- and never invited them to our famous Redlefsen Family Christmas Extravaganzas. I'm glad there actions have proven me right, although Ted and I are trying to be more Christ-like in our dealings with them). Although I had to call off the bash this year, once we get settled here at Ocean View, I expect to see Rhonda and Raul tearing up the dancefloor with their famous tango next December(hah hah! Muy Caliente!).
Ted and I celebrated our 25th Wedding Anniversary at the Shore, driving down in a RED CONVERTIBLE Ted had rented just for the occassion! Ted was so romantic, and we spent the whole weekend acting like kids again. Even with all that has been going on, Ted remembered, and even gave me a NEW ENGAGEMENT RING! It was SOOO sweet!
Rory's new business in the entertainment field has been really taking off -- unlike many women her age, she's setting her own hours, keeping the profits, and running her own ship. I'm told she's quite the entrepeneur! She's been running herself ragged, but onwards and upwards, I always say! Her phone literally never stops ringing (at all hours of the night, too!)
Roger is also doing well -- he and I did the "College Tour" this fall, and we saw Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and Ted's alma mater, Princeton, the usual suspects. He's sent in his applications, and now we are just keeping our fingers and toes crossed until the good news arrives!
Even so, this year has had its challenges. Unfortunately, we lost Ted's father this year, although, as he always said "I had a pretty good run." And he certainly did! As all of you know, he was always the first one to laugh! We also lost our beloved dog, Sparkplug, although I am sure he is happily licking sweet Jesus' face as we speak!
May next year be all good things!
Merry Christmas,
Judy Redlefsen