
TLB's Debut

TLB will be reading from her fabulous novel Icebergs on Weds., 4/26, at 7pm, chez Prairie Lights. Party to follow at the R-H Compound. Be there!


Cristina said...

TLB, knock 'em dead tonight! I wish I could be there!

TLB said...

Thanks Cristina! Wish you were reading here too!

Bought the book last week--loving it so far, of course.

Grendel said...

It was a terrific reading. TLB, despite claims going in that she had nearly retched from nervousness, read extremely well from Chapter 2 to a full house and was poised and chatty for the Q&A, which was one of the bext Q&A's at PL I've seen. I think we have a rising star on our hands.